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Notice: Adjusting the Time of Stopping Tickets in Bayinbulak Scenic Area

Source:Author:Click: Time:2023-08-08

Description:All travel agencies and tourists:As the sunshine time changes with the earth‘s revolution and seasons, the sunset time of

All travel agencies and tourists:

As the sunshine time changes with the earth's revolution and seasons, the sunset time of the core landscape "Nine Curves and Eighteen Bends" of the Swan Lake scenic spot in Bayinbulak Scenic Area also advances; Bayanbulak Scenic Area is a "World Natural Heritage Site" and a "National Nature Reserve". According to relevant regulations and scenic spot planning, the instantaneous carrying capacity of the scenic spot cannot exceed 5,000 people, and the maximum carrying capacity cannot exceed 13,000 people.        

In order to ensure the safety of life and property of tourists in the scenic area and to ensure that all tourists can reach their destinations before sunset and enjoy the magnificent sunset scenery of "Nine Curves and Eighteen Bends", the management committee of Bayinbulak Scenic Area in Hejing County After research, it was decided that from August 18, 2019, the ticket sales time of Bayinbulak scenic spot will be adjusted to 8:00 Beijing time, and the ticket stop time will be adjusted to 18:30 Beijing time. All travel agencies and tourists are requested to convey to each other. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you. Thank you for your understanding!

Special announcement.

Hejing County Bayinbulak Scenic Area Management Committee

August 12, 2019 

    Address: Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region    Copyright: Bayinbuluke Scenic Area Management Committee, Hejing County    New ICP No. 18000738-1