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The Korla Tourist Commodity Contest collects fragrant pear tourist souvenirs from the public

Source:Author:Click: Time:2023-08-08

Description:Korla‘s "Hongyan Food City Cup" Tourist Commodity Contest started on November 20th, collecting fragrant pear to

Korla's "Hongyan Food City Cup" Tourist Commodity Contest started on November 20th, collecting fragrant pear tourist souvenirs from the public.   

From November 20th to December 15th, the Korla "Hongyan Food City Cup" Tourist Commodity Contest collects excellent commodities from units and individuals who care about tourism from all walks of life and are engaged in the design and production of tourism commodities and tourism cultural souvenirs. Entries are divided into special foods made of fragrant pears, handicraft products made of pear wood, and cultural and creative products with the theme of fragrant pears, appreciative features. At that time, online voting and expert review will be used for selection. The award-winning tourist souvenirs will be prioritized as "Korla Tourism Gifts" and will enter the Korla Silk Road Tourism Town Special Products Hall. At the same time, priority will be given to free publicity and promotion on relevant websites and WeChat platforms in the city.   

The competition is sponsored by Korla Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, and organized by Korla Hongyan Food City. Through this competition, we will fully implement the strategy of rejuvenating Xinjiang through tourism, further build a tourism cultural brand, accelerate the construction of tourism products, realize the transformation and upgrading of tourism products and cultural and creative products, highlight regional characteristics, and display the image of the city.   

For details about the competition, please call 17799731755 for detailed consultation.

    Address: Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region    Copyright: Bayinbuluke Scenic Area Management Committee, Hejing County    New ICP No. 18000738-1