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The most comprehensive travel guide in Bayinbulak Grassland, multiple activities are waiting for you

Description:Bayinbulak Scenic Area, a national-level 5A tourist attraction, is known as the "green pure land" because of its un

Bayinbulak Scenic Area, a national-level 5A tourist attraction, is known as the "green pure land" because of its unique natural ecological landscape and cultural landscape. It is the largest subalpine alpine meadow in the country, located in the west of Hejing County. National Highway 217 and 218 can be reached, and it is 360 kilometers away from Korla City. It is an intermountain basin in the Tianshan uplift belt, which belongs to the Mesozoic intermountain fault depression, and the basin bottom is covered by Quaternary sediments.

Bayinbulak translates as "rich spring water" in Mongolian, and more than a thousand springs are distributed throughout the grassland. The scenic spot embodies the world heritage value of Tianshan Mountains with the alpine wetland ecosystem and the beauty of the meander and marsh wetland landscape. It is important and representative in geographical location, and rare and diverse in landscape. It is suitable for tourism activities such as sightseeing, leisure and vacation, sports and fitness, scientific research and scientific research, popular science education, and folk culture experience.

The most comprehensive travel guide in Bayinbulak Grassland, multiple activities are waiting for you(图1)

Bayinbulak Mongolian means rich spring water. There have been ancient nomadic peoples such as Gushi, Wusun, Western Turks, and Uighurs. In the Tang Dynasty, it was called Yingsuochuan. In the first year of Xianqing (AD 656), Cheng Yaojin pacified the Western Turkic War here, and in the next two years (AD 658), Yingsuo Dudufu was established. In the Ming Dynasty, it was called Yuledusi. In the thirty-eighth year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1773 A.D.), he was a pastor on the South Road of Turhu Tebu, and he was Zhuletusi. In 1944, Urudus County was established. In 1950, it was established as a district. In July 1986, the State Council approved the establishment of a national nature reserve, which is famous both at home and abroad as "Swan Lake". It is an eco-tourism area integrating nature reserves, mountains, grasslands and folk customs.

Bayinbulak Scenic Area is a natural landscape tourism area with alpine meadow grassland and alpine swamp wetland ecosystem as the background in the large intermountain basin of the Tianshan Mountains, and the upper reaches of the Kaidu River meander and swamp wetland as the main body. ·Swan Lake, one of the world's natural heritage sites of Tianshan, the largest national-level swan nature reserve in China, Kaidu River Jiuqu and Eighteen Bays in China; the first batch of characteristic landscape tourism towns in China, the most beautiful villages and towns in China-Ba Town of Tonbrook.

The most comprehensive travel guide in Bayinbulak Grassland, multiple activities are waiting for you(图2)

The scenic spot includes Swan Lake, one of the world natural heritage sites of "Xinjiang·Tianshan Mountain", the largest national-level swan nature reserve in the country, the Kaidu River Jiuqu and Eighteen Bays in China; the first batch of famous tourist towns with characteristic landscapes in China, The most beautiful village - Bayinbulak Town.

Bayinbulak Scenic Area has landscapes such as Love of the Grassland, Swan Homeland, Zacks Terrace Bird Watching Platform, Barunkure, Basilik Observation Deck, Grassland Holy Mountain Taglen Mountain, and Hushenkure. It is an eco-tourism scenic spot integrating hills, basins, grasslands and wetlands. It is known as "the most fertile pasture at the southern foot of Tianshan Mountain".

Bayinbulak is surrounded by mountains with an average altitude of over 3,000 meters, and there are many ice peaks covered with snow all the year round. The gentle slopes and plains at the foot of the mountain and in the basin are vast grasslands with a total area of 23,000 square kilometers, making it the second largest grassland in my country. The main ethnic group is Mongolian, mainly engaged in grazing. The bottom of the basin is flat, with an altitude of 2400-2500 meters. The ice and snow melted water from the surrounding mountains gathers here and develops into a swamp of more than 1,300 square kilometers. The Kaidu River meanders through it. It is the only breeding ground for whooper swans in my country. There are more than 260 species of vascular plants in 160 genera in 50 families, 128 species in 31 families of birds, 24 species in 12 families of mammals, and 33 species of rare wild animals under national key protection. There are 7,000 to 8,000 swans breeding and inhabiting here, and more than 100,000 other birds such as geese and ducks. Swan, known as "yellow swan" in ancient times. They come and go in spring and autumn every year, and breed here for 8 months. In the "Song of Princess Wusun" in the Han Dynasty, there is a sentence "willing to return to my hometown for Huang Huxi", which expresses the princess's homesickness. The summer is cool and short, and the winter is cold and long, with an average annual temperature of -4.7°C.

The most comprehensive travel guide in Bayinbulak Grassland, multiple activities are waiting for you(图3)

June-August is the best season for summer vacation and sightseeing in Bayinbulak Scenic Area. At this time, the sky is as blue as washing, the earth is green, and the distant mountains are covered with snow. There are cattle and sheep all over the grassland, white yurts are scattered among them, and there are wisps of cooking smoke. In the swamp, waterfowl contend, and swan parents protect their young and swim in the lake, presenting a beautiful picture of man and nature. Walking into the yurt, the host will invite the guests to drink kumiss, taste Chaten mutton, and dance "Shawuerden" to the beat of the matouqin. The strong ethnic customs make people linger and forget to return.

Main attractions of Bayinbulak Scenic Area:

Bayinbruk Swan Lake: Bayinbruk Swan Lake is located in the southeast of the Reserve Clarion Tower, for the small lakes and marshes in series with each other. The aquatic plants stand upright and are as horizontal as a mirror. There are swans, black storks, egrets, gray cranes, demoiselle cranes, egrets and dozens of species of geese and ducks.

The most comprehensive travel guide in Bayinbulak Grassland, multiple activities are waiting for you(图4)

Yudai Tianhe: Climb up the steep cliff of Basilik, and you can have a panoramic view of the swamp landscape of 800 square kilometers: the Kaidu River with nine bends and eighteen bends falls in it like a silver ribbon, dotted with lakes and swamps, groups of white swans stand and rest, the scenery magnificent beauty.

Quick Wusu Stone Forest: The Quick Wusu Stone Forest is formed by the erosion of semi-cemented conglomerate by wind and rain. 9 kilometers long and 5 kilometers wide. Shifeng is like a castle, like a giant beast, like a sword... Nature is amazingly crafty.

Haoteng Sara Waterfall: Haoteng Sara Waterfall has a drop of 30 meters and a top width of 6-7 meters. Flying waterfalls and deep pools sound like thunder. There is a "line of sky" nearby, which is a mountain fissure caused by geological processes. It is 4 kilometers long, 300 meters deep and only 2 meters wide. The gap wall stands upright, looking at the sky into a line, which is a wonder of Tianshan Mountain.

Baruntai Yellow Temple: Baruntai Yellow Temple is the largest holy place of the Yellow Sect in Xinjiang. Provincial key cultural relics protection units. It is located in the north of Hejing County, 130 kilometers away from Korla City. It is a famous Qing Dynasty cultural relic tourist attraction and tourist attraction in Xinjiang. The Yellow Temple was built in the 14th year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1888). It is the general temple of the old Turghut Department on South Road. It consists of 15 temples, including many temples, scripture halls, stupas, and monk houses. , School of Philosophy. The Buddhist scriptures college is a comprehensive group of lama temples, known as the Little Potala Palace. Now only the Yellow Temple, Quejin Temple, Buddhist Pagoda and Manhan Palace remain.

The most comprehensive travel guide in Bayinbulak Grassland, multiple activities are waiting for you(图5)

    Address: Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region    Copyright: Bayinbuluke Scenic Area Management Committee, Hejing County    New ICP No. 18000738-1