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[Tourism Training] Hejing County: Carry out legal training on the charging price of tourist attracti

Source:Author:小编Click: Time:2023-08-08

Description:Hejing County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau held a charging price for tourist attractionsLegal training and pr

Hejing County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau held a charging price for tourist attractions

Legal training and price reminder admonishment meeting

In order to further standardize the price order of the tourism market, optimize the price environment in tourist areas, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, from May 22 to 23, the Hejing County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau went to Gongnaisi and Bayinbuluk scenic spots to hold three sessions on the charging price law of tourist attractions. Training and price reminder and admonition meeting, scenic spot business operators and scenic spot leaders participated in the meeting.

The training focused on laws and regulations such as the "Price Law" and "Regulations on the Implementation of Clearly Marked Prices for Goods and Services", price fraud, and legal responsibilities to be borne, and comprehensively explained operators, and combined with actual cases to conduct in-depth interpretations of key provisions. On the spot, more than 150 travel price reminders and warnings were distributed to the person in charge of the scenic spot and the business operators.

Through this training, laws and regulations such as the "Price Law" and "Regulations on the Implementation of Clearly Marked Prices for Goods and Services" have been popularized, which has further enhanced the legal awareness of operators, and laid a solid foundation for standardizing the price supervision of our county and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of consumers base.

In the next step, Hejing County will supervise and supervise the charging behavior of various tourist attractions, and arrange special inspections and resident inspections in due course to ensure that the charging policies and price supervision of tourist attractions are implemented. (Correspondent: Xu Jing)

    Address: Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region    Copyright: Bayinbuluke Scenic Area Management Committee, Hejing County    New ICP No. 18000738-1