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He Jing: "Red Night School" makes the red spirit shine

Source:Author:小编Click: Time:2023-08-08

Description:Today, the story I will tell you is "Deng Xiaoping's 'Letter from Home'..." Recently, accompanied by

   Today, the story I will tell you is "Deng Xiaoping's 'Letter from Home'..." Recently, accompanied by the speaker's eloquent narration, the "Red Night School" activity of the Hejing County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision kicked off. Every red The story of the party history allows everyone to relive the glorious course of the party together and absorb the wisdom and strength of forging ahead.

  In the past few days, party organizations at all levels in Hejing County have combined the activities of the 4th "5.20" (I Love Integrity) Integrity Culture Publicity Week of the Autonomous Prefecture to open the "Red Night School" in the form of "Red Culture + Disciplinary Education", and carry out in-depth Red education series activities.

  "Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China. The Communist Party worked hard for the nation. The Communist Party wholeheartedly saved China. He pointed out the road to the people's liberation..." In the conference room of the Party Committee of the Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Hejing County, party members and cadres of the bureau lined up neatly , singing "Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China" loudly. Liu Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the bureau, told everyone about the creation background of this song, combined with disciplinary stories in party history, and carried out disciplinary education for party members and cadres. At the end of the activity, by watching warning educational films, the ideological defense line of party members and cadres who dare not, cannot, and do not want to be corrupted is built.

  "'Red Night School' has allowed me to absorb valuable spiritual nutrition. The baton of history has been handed over to us. We must take it seriously, continue the spiritual blood of the Communists, keep our mission in mind, and overcome difficulties and move forward bravely on the new journey." Jiao Jun, a member of the Transportation Bureau of Hejing County, said.

  Various forms of "Red Night School" activities have planted "red seeds" in the hearts of party members and cadres. While inheriting the revolutionary spirit through multiple channels and solidly promoting the traditional education of the red revolution, they have inspired party members and cadres to practice loyalty, cleanliness, responsibility, and perseverance. The high-spirited fighting spirit of not forgetting the original intention and continuing to move forward has vigorously created a strong atmosphere of learning history to understand reason, learning history to increase credit, learning history to respect morality, and learning history to practice.

  "'Red Night School' is a distinctive carrier for the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to use red resources to innovate and carry out party history learning and education. "The comrades in charge of the Hejing County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision said that in the next step, the county will make good use of this carrier to solidly promote red education, let the red spirit bloom a new era of light, promote the vigorous development of various undertakings, and achieve excellent results. Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party. (Correspondent Cui Hongjie)

    Address: Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region    Copyright: Bayinbuluke Scenic Area Management Committee, Hejing County    New ICP No. 18000738-1