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He Jing: Take multiple measures to improve the quality and efficiency of party history learning and

Source:Author:小编Click: Time:2023-08-08

Description:Since the launch of party history learning and education, Hejing County has innovated learning carriers, enriched learning c

 Since the launch of party history learning and education, Hejing County has innovated learning carriers, enriched learning content and learning forms, educated and guided the majority of party members and cadres to learn party history, understand ideas, do practical things, open new games, and take multiple measures to promote party history learning and education Go deep and solid to ensure that the quality and efficiency of party history learning and education are improved.

  "Silver" power boosts the study and education of party history into the mind and heart. The first is to carry out the activity of "Let me learn a century of party history". Taking the party branch as a unit, organize veteran party members and veteran cadres to carry out activities such as special study of party history, themed party days, and research on red education positions, and guide the majority of veteran cadres and party members to continuously strengthen the "five identities." The second is to carry out the activity of "I will paint the great changes in a century". Set up a volunteer service team of 60 people for the creation of party history and culture, and distributed them to towns, parks, and tourist attractions throughout the county to carry out calligraphy, painting, poetry and cultural creation with the theme of "witnessing the great changes in a century, I will add glory to the party flag", and draw 840 large-scale wall paintings, 230 wall slogans were written, and 310 large and small stone carvings were made, fully and vividly showing the great achievements of the party in the past century. The third is to carry out the "Hundred Years Praise I Come to Praise" activity. Organize veteran party members and veteran cadres to carry out more than 160 performances of learning party history through red singing and dancing, sketches, allegro, reading aloud and other art forms, and vigorously promote the party's glorious tradition and fine style. The fourth is to carry out the activity of "Let me tell you about the extraordinary years". He has successively invited retired cadres, veteran soldiers and other advanced typical figures to tell 42 red stories to the party members, especially young cadres and the masses, and use their life experiences, work practices, personal experience, and spiritual integrity to inspire and infect people around them. The fifth is to carry out the activity of "Let me pass on the red gene". The "Silver Volunteer Service Team" formed by 18 veteran cadres went to the grassroots to deliver laws to farmers and herdsmen 31 times and technology 8 times, effectively transforming the original intention and mission into the concrete practice of serving the masses.

  The "intangible cultural heritage" culture boosts the study and education of party history in depth and solidity. One is to make good use of long-tune "folk songs". Hold a special folk song performance of "Thanks to the Party and Bless the Motherland", using art forms such as long tunes and Sawuerden to integrate the deeds of heroes and gratitude to the party into folk songs; produce a red album, including long tunes and short tunes 32 First, let people of all ethnic groups experience the peaceful "red style". The second is to make good use of exquisite stone carvings. Created 310 stone carving works such as "South Lake Red Boat 1921-2021", Feiduo Luding Bridge, etc., using stones to "tell stories" to make the party members, cadres and the masses more comprehensive, vivid and deeply feel the glorious history of the party. The third is to make good use of characteristic bone carvings. Give full play to the inheritance of bone carving skills, create more than 120 red cultural bone carving works such as "Return to the East" and "Fusion", which revolve around the history of the party, the history of New China, the history of reform and opening up, and the history of socialist development, and inherit the red gene with literary and artistic works. The fourth is to make good use of local root carvings. Created more than 100 root carving works with the theme of "the century-old history of the party, the great beauty of Xinjiang, and national unity", bearing in mind the red history, planting red genes, cultivating red feelings, and inheriting red spirit.

  Red resources promote the implementation of party history study and education. Hejing County digs deep into local red resources, turns red resources into fresh teaching materials and on-site classrooms for party history learning and education, and strives to build a new platform for party history learning and education. Excavate red resources such as Beishan patriotism education base, martyrs cemetery, and Donggui Museum in the county, build a group of party member education bases, give full play to the important role of these red education resources in party history learning and education, and make them become the foundation of party history learning and education. In the second classroom, let the ruins of the old site become the "classroom" of party history, let the cultural relics and historical materials become the "teaching material" of party history, let heroes and heroes become "teachers" of party history, tell the story of the party, the story of the revolution, and the story of heroes well, and guide the masses Party members and cadres understand their original mission from red resources, and enhance their sense of purpose and mission. The county has carried out more than 310 red education sessions (times), and more than 8,500 party members and cadres have been educated. A total of 327 party history videos were produced, further making good use of red resources, carrying forward red traditions, inheriting red genes, and constantly arousing the love of the party and the country of cadres and masses of all ethnic groups.

    Address: Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region    Copyright: Bayinbuluke Scenic Area Management Committee, Hejing County    New ICP No. 18000738-1