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He Jing: Promote the high-quality development of enterprises led by party building

Source:Author:小编Click: Time:2023-08-08

Description:Adhering to the leadership of the party and strengthening party building are the "root" and "soul" of

   Adhering to the leadership of the party and strengthening party building are the "root" and "soul" of state-owned enterprises.

  In recent years, under the guidance of the Party Committee of Bayingoleng Mongol Autonomous Prefecture and Jing County in Xinjiang, Hejing County Industrial Park Garment Co, strive to create a working mechanism of learning model, ideological model, performance model, income model), with the goal of enhancing the party's cohesion, combat effectiveness and creativity, and mobilizing the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of all party members, cadres and workers as the focus to promote party building work Integrate with production and operation, and embark on a road that promotes high-quality development led by party building.

  "The branch is built in the factory" Let party members find their "home"

  In the early morning of June 28th, in the party member activity room of the clothing company in Hejing County Industrial Park, 38 party members wore party member badges on their chests oath.

  On this day, the party branch of the company celebrated the political birthday collectively for all party members, and sent a political birthday greeting card specially printed by the Party Committee of Hejing County. The party members expressed that they felt the warmth and care of the organization, and that they should give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members in the future, and practice the original intention of joining the party with practical actions.

  In April 2020, the Garment Company of Hejing County Industrial Park entered the New Hope Industrial Park of Hejing County, with 816 employees. The company has always insisted on transforming the political advantages, organizational advantages and mass work advantages of the party organization into the company's competitive and development advantages, providing a strong ideological, political and organizational guarantee for the company's high-quality development.

  On May 4 this year, the company established a party branch under the guidance of the Hejing County Party Committee, allowing 38 party members to find a "home", further enhancing the cohesion and centripetal force of the party organization.

  "When the party branch meeting is held, we will invite the masses to attend. The attraction of the party organization is very obvious. Although the party branch has only been established for more than a month, 7 comrades have already submitted the application for joining the party. The enthusiasm for joining the party is very high." He Yanping said.

  Abibahan Metisali and her husband both work in companies. Last year, the couple saved more than 40,000 yuan, which gave them full confidence in their future life. Not long ago, Abby Bahan submitted an application for joining the party to the party branch of the company, and actively moved closer to the party organization. She said: "We felt the care of the party organization here and learned a lot of skills. I have submitted an application for joining the party and hope that I can become a glorious Communist Party member."

  He Yanping said with deep emotion that after the establishment of the party branch, through the emphasis on party building, the mental outlook of the employees has undergone great changes, from working slowly to actively working, and then scrambling to do it. A good situation of surpassing and striving to be the first to create excellence.

  "Party Building Empowerment Team" Improves Work Efficiency

  On June 29, in the production workshop of the company's No. 6 factory building, the inspection engineer Huo Xiuquan was instructing the newly appointed quality inspector to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the products before storage.

  "Product quality is the life of an enterprise. As a gatekeeper of product quality, quality inspectors play a very important role." Huo Xiuquan said that in order to improve the skill level of quality inspectors and ensure the quality of clothing production, as a party member, he paired up Support the quality inspector team and organize skills training from time to time. Up to now, 44 quality inspectors have been trained for enterprises.

  Since the establishment of the party branch, the company has adhered to the leadership of party building and actively carried out the production team of the party branch. Party members and employees "1+1" or "1+N" carry out pairing assistance to realize the integration of party building work and production and management, and stimulate the vitality of the grassroots , to promote the transformation and upgrading of enterprises.

  "We have gradually built a 'party building empowerment team' work system through the subcontracting of the production team by the branch. Through the leadership of the backbone of party members and the establishment of vanguard posts for party members, we have created a good situation for the team to strive for excellence and create good conditions for the high-quality development of the enterprise." He Yanping said.

  A party member drives a team, and a banner drives a team.

  The party members who carry out paired assistance build a bridge of communication between the party organization and the employees. They are not only the waiters of the work of the team and the masses, but also the propagandists of the party's principles and policies; The work effectively covers all teams and groups. At present, all teams and groups of the enterprise have achieved full coverage of the party branch.

  "After the work of 'Party Building Empowerment Teams' started, the vitality, ability, and synergy of the front-line teams have been significantly improved, and the power of party building work has been effectively transformed into the productivity, cohesion, and competitiveness of the enterprise." He Yanping said that party members took the lead and the majority of employees actively participated. In the second quarter, various production and operation indicators of the enterprise improved steadily, and the cohesion, combat effectiveness and creativity of the party organization continued to increase. This young party branch is full of vigor and vitality.

  Strive to create "four pacesetters" to activate endogenous power

  In the production workshop, the "click" sound of the sewing machine became one, and the production scene was full of enthusiasm. Li Xiaoyan, the team leader and technical director, shuttled around the workshop, providing technical guidance to the employees from time to time.

  Li Xiaoyan is He Yanping's partner for support. After only one month of work in the company, she was rated as a learning model by the party branch through hard work, which made her full of energy. Li Xiaoyan said: "I am very excited after being rated as a learning model. I am going to submit an application for joining the party to the party organization and follow the example of outstanding party members."

  He Yanping introduced that party members play a vanguard and exemplary role and drive all employees to strive for learning, thinking, performance and income. Since the establishment of the party branch, two pacesetter selections have been carried out. All employees have actively participated in it, kept a close eye on the goals to find gaps, compared advanced learning experience, and solved problems based on reality, forming a strong entrepreneurial atmosphere.

  "At the moment, we are innovating learning methods to carry out party history learning and education, integrating it into daily life and grasping it regularly, and encouraging all party members and cadres to draw strength in the process of learning party history. There will be a qualitative leap in labor income." He Yanping said.

  In recent years, the Hejing County Party Committee has selected party building instructors to carry out point-to-point assistance to enterprises in party building work. At present, 68 party building instructors have been selected to focus on helping 68 enterprises, and successively established 7 "three good" party branches and 45 "Party Pioneer Posts" One, to provide a strong organizational guarantee for a stronger, better and bigger enterprise.

  Liu Hong, member of the Standing Committee of the Hejing County Party Committee and head of the Organization Department, said: "We insist on strengthening the party's leadership and improving corporate governance, combining party history study and education, and the practice of 'I do practical things for the masses' to establish the company's party branch in time to form Grasp the standardized construction of party branches, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, guide the masses to find employment nearby, and promote the "closed circle" of enterprise income increase, provide a strong organizational guarantee for enterprise development, and help the county to promote the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation achievements and rural revitalization. Encourage enterprises to fully fulfill their economic, political, and social responsibilities, and lead the workers and masses to appreciate, listen to, and follow the party."

  Where there are party members, there are party organizations covering them. The clothing company in Hejing County Industrial Park is a microcosm of Bazhou's efforts to promote party building to promote enterprise transformation and upgrading and achieve high-quality development.

  In recent years, Bazhou has introduced a series of measures in terms of party building in various enterprises, which have effectively enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force of grassroots party organizations. Today, in Bazhou, regardless of state-owned enterprises or non-public enterprises, party building activities are in full swing, gathering new kinetic energy of enterprises with the power of party building, and creating a new situation of high-quality economic and social development in Bazhou.

    Address: Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region    Copyright: Bayinbuluke Scenic Area Management Committee, Hejing County    New ICP No. 18000738-1